Pregnancy, Birth and Postpartum Support.

Guidance for wellbeing throughout pregnancy to birth and beyond.

Wholesome Meals and Snacks to Nourish the Newborn Mother.

Remedies, Resources & Support.

Supporting oneself to recover from pregnancy and birth, and maintain good mental and physical health should be a priority for mothers, very often it is an overwhelming factor on top of the daily rhythms of mothering. Not paying attention to our nutrition and health can have significant consequences for women’s health well beyond the postpartum period. Unfortunately the current medical model falls short on postpartum care for many women. In my practice I endeavour to fill the gaps.

I offer women the chance to reconnect with their bodies, prioritise their health and find convenient, practical and educated options for them to maintain wellbeing.

“The philosophy behind my practice as a doula and nutritionist is rooted in the belief that pregnancy, birth and becoming a mother are profound experiences and require respect and holistic support to ensure the mother and her family cope with the transition. If women are supported through this time, then they can be more grounded and content, with a nourished sense of identity and wellbeing.”

You who were darkness warmed my flesh where out of darkness rose the seed. Then all a world I made in me; all the world you hear and see hung upon my dreaming blood

You who were darkness warmed my flesh where out of darkness rose the seed. Then all a world I made in me; all the world you hear and see hung upon my dreaming blood

There moved the multitudinous stars, and coloured birds and fishes moved. There swam the sliding continents. All time lay rolled in me, and sense, and love that knew not its beloved.

There moved the multitudinous stars, and coloured birds and fishes moved. There swam the sliding continents. All time lay rolled in me, and sense, and love that knew not its beloved.

I wither and you break from me; yet though you dance in living light I am the earth, I am the root, I am the stem that fed the fruit, the link that joins you to the night.

I wither and you break from me; yet though you dance in living light I am the earth, I am the root, I am the stem that fed the fruit, the link that joins you to the night.

Woman to Child [Judith Wright]